![]() Several documents are used to update the database
for calibration. The FMCLs are operated by IM
of the MEASURE system. These documents will be
personnel with an 1821 NEC. The basic difference
discussed in the following paragraphs.
between the MIRCs and the FMCL is that the FMCL
has the additional capability for optical calibration.
The MEASURE system is a tool for your use. It is
only as good as the information that is put into it. It is
important that all information be thoroughly legible,
accurate, and consistent.
Navy field calibration activities (FCAs) make up the
next lower echelon. These activities have been set up to
enable user activities to calibrate locally such specific
The MEASURE Test Measuring and Diagnostic
types of instruments as pressure gauges, temperature
Equipment (TMDE) Inventory Report Form and the
gauges, and electrical meters, rather than send them to
MEASURE Calibration Standards Inventory Report
a laboratory. Calibration is performed by specially
Form provide the initial input of data pertaining to
trained personnel. Most ships in the fleet have
TAMS equipment and calibration. This information,
designated FCAs.
when stored in a computer, establishes a data base for
all MEASURE forms and reports.
N O T E : Since computers cannot think,
completeness and accuracy of information is essential
to make the program effective.
To receive calibration support for standards, you
should take the following steps:
Inventory report forms are submitted to an
intermediate level activity of FCA for screening. This
Request funds from the type commander.
activity determines whether or not it has the capabilities
2. Request calibration services, by official
for the calibration of the equipment listed in the
message, from the supporting laboratory.
inventory. Items that are outside the capability of this
Makeup a recalibration schedule with the help
activity are noted on the inventory report form. The
of the supporting laboratory. This schedule will
r e p o r t forms are forwarded to a METCAL
representative for validation. They are then forwarded
minimize the delay in getting your standards
recalibrated and back in service.
to the MEASURE Operational Control Center (MOCC)
in Concord, California, and are entered into the data
bank. The customer is provided with an automated
inventory and a set of preprinted METER cards.
Normally, the inventory forms are only used for the
initial input of data. However, if 10 or more items are to
In an effort to ensure that all equipment requiring
be added to the inventory, an appropriate inventory
calibration and/or servicing is maintained at maximum
report form can be used. This form is prepared in the
dependability, the Chief of Naval Material implemented
same manner as the initial inventory report except that
the MEASURE program. It is the Navy's single data
the words Add-On-Inventory are entered above the
reporting system for the TAMs and the Navy METCAL
customer activity code block at the top center of the
As an IC Electrician Second Class, you will be
required to update calibration schedules. Therefore, you
should have a thorough understanding of the
The METER card (fig. 4-2) is a five-part,
MEASURE program and be familiar with the forms and
color-coded form to which the equipment identification
reports used with this system. You will be required to
(ID) and receipt tag is attached. It is filled out by either
check documents for completeness and accuracy and to
the customer or the calibrating activity and is used to
assist customers in the completion of these documents.
report information and transactions pertaining to TAMS
Information on how to use this program effectively and
and calibration standards.
how to complete the necessary documents accurately is
The METER card, either preprinted by the MOCC
provided in the latest edition of the Measure Users
or handprinted by the customer activity, contains all
Manual, OP43P6.
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