NIST. Each instrument calibrated (including standards)
must bear evidence that it is in calibration. This evidence
A standard is a laboratory-type device that is used
is in the form of a calibration label affixed to the
to maintain continuity of value in the units of measure-
instrument. This label provides the date and place of
ment. Its accuracy is ensured through periodic com-
calibration and the next due date for calibration. The
parison with higher echelon or national standards. A
METCAL program provides for periodic calibration of
standard may be used either to calibrate a standard of
most instruments. The responsibility for assignment of
lesser accuracy or to calibrate test and measurement
these periodic calibration intervals has been given to the
equipment directly.
Metrology Engineering Center (MEC).
The calibration of all measuring devices is based on,
and is dependent upon, the basic international and
national standards of measurement. Since we cannot
Traceability is the unbroken chain of properly
rush off to the NIST every time we need to measure a
conducted and documented calibration of equipment
length, a mass, a weight, or an interval of time, the NIST
from the fleet through higher echelons to the National
prepares and issues a great many practical standards that
Bureau of Standards (NBS).
can be used by government and industry to calibrate
their instruments. Government and industry, in turn,
prepare their own practical standards, which are
applicable to their own requirements. Thus, there is a
Test and monitoring systems (TAMS) are the
continuous linkage of measurement standards that
instruments used for all quantitative measurements
begins with the international standards, comes down
except metrology standards. TAMS can also be referred
through the national standards, and works all the way
to as precision measurement equipment (PME), test and
down to the rulers, weights, clocks, gauges, and other
measuring equipment (T&ME), or test, measuring, and
devices that we use for everyday measurement.
diagnostic equipment (TMDE).
For further information and detailed assignment of
the METCAL program, refer to NAVMAT Instruction
Operable equipment is equipment that before being
submitted to calibration is found by review of its per-
formance history and by cursory electrical and physical
examinations to be operational in all its required
Before proceeding, it is necessary for us to discuss
some of the commonly used terms associated with the
instrument calibration program used by the Navy. It is
important that you understand the meaning of these
terms and use them correctly. Many of these terms will
Incidental repairs are those repairs found necessary
be used throughout this text. Other very important terms
during calibration of an operable equipment to bring it
are listed in the glossary, appendix II. Refer to it as often
within its specified tolerances. These include the
as necessary.
replacement of parts that, although worn sufficiently to
prevent calibration, do not otherwise render the
equipment inoperative. This repair work is normally
performed incidental to the calibration of standards.
Calibration is the act of comparing a measurement
system or device of unverified accuracy to a
measurement system or device of known and greater
accuracy to detect and correct any variation from
The U.S. Department of Commerce, National
required performance specifications.
Institute of Standards and Technology, located at
The calibration process involves the use of
Gaithersburg, Maryland, is the focal point in the federal
government for maintaining and advancing standards
approved instrument calibration procedures (ICPs). It
includes any adjustments or incidental repairs that are
and technology for the physical and engineering
necessary to bring a standard or an instrument being
sciences. NIST provides the common reference for
Navy scientific measurements and certifies the
calibrated within specified limits.
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