![]() electrical and electronic components required to control
the major components of the system.
The assemblies that comprise the SGSI system are
To understand the system operation, you must un-
as follows (fig. 3-2):
derstand feedback control systems. A feedback control
Electronic enclosure assembly
system compares an input signal with a reference signal
and then generates an error signal. This error signal is
Remote control panel assembly
then amplified and used to drive the output in a direction
Hydraulic pump assembly
to reduce the error. This type of feedback system is often
referred to as a servo loop. A gyro, mounted on the
Transformer assembly
stabilized platform, acts as the reference of the system.
GSI assembly
Since the gyro is stable, synchro transmitters located on
the gimbals will sense any motion of pitch or roll. As the
Stabilized platform assembly
ship begins to pitch or roll, an error signal is developed
by the synchro transmitter stators. Look at the block
diagram in figure 3-4 and follow the path of the error
signal through the electronic enclosure assembly. (The
The electronics enclosure assembly (fig. 3-3) is the
block diagram represents either the pitch or the roll
signal processing distribution and control center for the
control loops. They are identical electrically.)
system. It contains the circuits, amplifiers, and other
Figure 3-2.--Stabilized glide slope indicator system.
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